Womb Tea Blend 

  • Flushes toxins out of the womb.

  • Promotes Vaginal Wetness

  • Balances your PH Levels 

  • Regulates and balances your cycle.

  • Regulates and balances your hormones.

  • Fight off bacteria and yeast.

  • Soothes cramps and muscles during, before and, after cycle.

  • Strengthens and tones the uterus.

Womb Tea Logo (1).png


2 Week Supply

Womb Tea Logo (1).png


4 Week Supply


womb steam

Vaginal steaming has many physical benefits. This herbal blend is formulated to help with menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms, mood swings, bloating, irregular menstrual cycles, cysts and fibroids, yeast and bacterial infections, and enhancing fertility. Vaginal steaming helps cleanse the uterine lining, nourish vaginal tissue, improve circulation, warm the uterus, and balance pH levels. 

Vaginal steaming also has energetic effects in helping to release stored emotions, clear imprints from past lovers, and heal trauma especially related to relationships, sex, power, and creativity. Steaming is a way to connect to the womb as a sacred center and channel the powerful energy of the body.